"; } // end if totRows // lets see if we can find the home owner email in the database $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM home_owners WHERE email = '".$_POST['email']."'", $conn); $totRows2 = mysql_num_rows($query2); if($totRows2 != '0') { $qerr = true; $qmsg .= "Your email address is already in our database.
"; } // end if totRows // if no error AND no qerr if(!$qerr) { if($_POST['assoctype'] == 'hoa') { $assoctype = "Home"; $emailto = $hoaemail; } // end if ownhoa if($_POST['assoctype'] == 'tsa') { $assoctype = "Timeshare"; $emailto = $tsaemail; } // end if assoctype //set up array for HOAs // for email msg only if(!empty($_POST['hoassoc'])) { $choices = implode(", ", $_POST['hoassoc']); }// end if $fname = ucwords(strtolower($_POST['fname'])); $lname = ucwords(strtolower($_POST['lname'])); $email = strtolower($_POST['email']); $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO home_owners (fname, lname, email, pass, ip, properties, extra) VALUES ('".$fname."', '".$lname."', '".$email."', '".md5($_POST['pass'])."', '".getenv(REMOTE_ADDR)."', '".$_POST['properties']."', '".$_POST['pass']."')"; $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); // send email to administrator $msg .= "A ".$assoctype." Owner has filled out the online form requesting access to the HOA documents area.\n\n"; $msg .= "Don't forget to login to your admin panel and either approve them or remove them.\n\n"; $msg .= "Name: \t ".$fname." ".$lname."\n"; $msg .= "Email: \t ".$email."\n\n"; $msg .= "\t --- PROPERTY INFORMATION ---\n"; $msg .= "Association Type: ".$assoctype." Owner\n"; $msg .= "Associations: \t ".$choices."\n"; $msg .= "Properties: \t ".$_POST['properties']."\n\n"; // $to = "ewd@sc.rr.com"; // for testing purposes only $to = $emailto; $subject = "A ".$assoctype." Owner requests login to the HOA area"; $headers = "From: ".$email."\n\n"; mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers); } // end if !qerr } // end if !error } // end if createlogin if($_POST['dowhat'] == "updatelogin") { if ($_POST['fname2'] == ""){ $error = true; $fname2 = true; }//end if if ($_POST['lname2'] == ""){ $error = true; $lname2 = true; }//end if if ($_POST['email2'] == ""){ $error = true; $email2 = true; }//end if if ($_POST['hoassoc2'] == ""){ $error = true; $hoassocs2 = true; // need the s because we are already using $hoassoc2 }//end if if ($_POST['descr'] == ""){ $error = true; $descr = true; }//end if $errstyle = 'style="background-color: #FFFF99;"'; if(!$error) { // lets see if we can find the home owner name in the database $qmsg = false; $query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM home_owners WHERE fname = '".$_POST['fname2']."' AND lname = '".$_POST['lname2']."'", $conn); $totRows = mysql_num_rows($query); if($totRows == '0') { $qmsg = true; $qmsg2 .= 'Your first and last name were not found in our database. This could be a spelling error.
'; } // end if totRows // lets see if we can find the home owner email in the database $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM home_owners WHERE email = '".$_POST['email2']."'", $conn); $totRows2 = mysql_num_rows($query2); if($totRows2 == '0') { $qmsg = true; $qmsg2 .= 'Your email address was not found in our database. This could be a spelling error.
'; } // end if totRows2 if($_POST['assoctype2'] == 'hoa') { $assoctype2 = "Home"; $emailto = $hoaemail; } // end if ownhoa if($_POST['assoctype2'] == 'tsa') { $assoctype2 = "Timeshare"; $emailto = $tsaemail; } // end if assoctype2 //set up array for HOAs // for email msg only if(!empty($_POST['hoassoc2'])) { $choices2 = implode(", ", $_POST['hoassoc2']); }// end if // send email to administrator $msg .= "A ".$assoctype2." Owner has filled out the online form requesting an update to their HOA login information.\n"; $msg .= "The IP they sent from is ".getenv(REMOTE_ADDR).".\n\n"; if($qmsg) { $msg .= "This name and/or email address was not found in the database. This ".$assoctype2." Owner might not be signed up yet.\n"; $msg .= "Login to the admin panel to verify this ".$assoctype2." Owner is already listed in the database.\n\n"; } else { $msg .= "Login to your admin panel and update their information if this is a valid request.\n\n"; } // end if qmsg $msg .= "Name: \t ".$_POST['fname2']." ".$_POST['lname2']."\n"; $msg .= "Email: \t ".$_POST['email2']."\n\n"; $msg .= "\t --- PROPERTY INFORMATION ---\n"; $msg .= "Association Type: ".$assoctype2." Owner\n"; $msg .= "Associations: \t ".$choices2."\n"; $msg .= "Changes Needed: \t ".$_POST['descr']."\n\n"; // $to = "ewd@sc.rr.com"; // for testing purposes only $to = $emailto; $subject = "A ".$assoctype2." Owner requests HOA login update"; $headers = "From: ".$_POST['email2']."\n\n"; mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers); } // end if !error } // end if updatelogin } // end if post ?> HomeOwner Login Request | The Noble Company | Myrtle Beach South Carolina

HomeOwner: Login Request

To view HOA documents, fill out the appropriate form below to request or update rights to the secure login area.

Your IP Address is
ERRORS were detected. Please complete your form.

'; ?>

First Time? Create a Login.

'; if($qerr) { echo $qmsg; echo '
'; echo 'Since your information is already in the database, the information from the form was not sent.
If you need to update your information, please use the form to the right or call '.$sitephone.'
'; } else { echo 'Your information has been successfully submitted.
If you do not receive an email from us within 24 hours, please contact us.

To speed up the process, you can call us during normal business hours (Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm).'; } // end if qmsg echo '

'; } else { //set up array for associations in forms if($error && !empty($_POST['hoassoc'])) { $array = implode(", ", $_POST['hoassoc']); $hoassoc = explode(", ", $array); //echo $array; // for testing only }// end if // show the form ?>

• If you have never requested your HOA login information before, fill out the form below completely.
• Use only an email address that you have access to and choose a password you will remember. Both will be required for login to view the association documents.
• Select an association type (HOA or Timeshare), choose the associations you need access to (hold your 'Ctrl' key to select multiple ones), and then list each and every property for all associations that you own! Seperate each with a line break. Include property, unit #, bldg #, etc.

First Name />
Last Name />
Email Address />
Password />
Assoc. Type />HOA       />Timeshare

Already Signed Up?

'; if($qmsg) { echo $qmsg2; echo '
'; echo 'Your information has been sent anyway and you should be contacted within 24 hours.'; } else { echo 'Your information has been successfully submitted.
If you do not receive a reply from us within 24 hours, please contact us.'; } // end if qmsg echo '

'; } else { //set up array for associations in forms if($error && !empty($_POST['hoassoc2'])) { $array2 = implode(", ", $_POST['hoassoc2']); $hoassoc2 = explode(", ", $array2); //echo $array2; // for testing only }// end if // show the form ?>

• If you have requested association login access before but need to make changes to your login information, fill out the form below.
• Type in your current name and email address that are on file so we can look you up.
• Select the association type and associations you need to update.
• Be very detailed about what you need updated.

First Name />
Last Name />
Email Address />
Assoc. Type />HOA       />Timeshare
What To Update

Since all requests are processed manually by our staff, the process can take up to 24 hours. To speed up the process, you can call us during normal business hours (Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm) after submitting this form.